Die Hochschule Offenburg stellt sich vor
Hochschule Offenburg is a place of innovation, scientific and artistic work, a bridge builder between science, business and society. It promotes the regional innovation system and shapes regional transfer relationships.
Hochschule Offenburg sees itself as a leader, knowledge communicator, innovation driver and source of inspiration.
Hochschule Offenburg connects the established with the new, the humane with the artificial, the social with the performance-oriented, the disruptive with the practical, the sustainable with the innovative. Through its actions and expertise, it contributes to social and economic transformation - towards achieving a sustainably successful future. The University anticipates and deals with all relevant developments that have a significant impact on society, the economy, science or politics.
Hochschule Offenburg is anchored in the South Upper Rhine region with a global view and an innovative, respectful and constructive spirit. Application-oriented teaching and research, transfer, and teaching of future-relevant knowledge and skills are major pillars of our mission. In all of these areas, the University benefits from its close interaction with stakeholders from business and society. Strengthening the regional and cross-border innovation system and economic performance enables secure and stable future prospects for the people in our region in a united Europe.
Personal development and innovative teaching
HSO places particular emphasis on the personal development of students and staff. Outstanding teaching that supports students in recognizing their personal strengths and developing their potential, application-oriented research at a high level that contributes to meeting regional and global challenges and being a (transfer) partner for business, society and the region are core elements of Hochschule Offenburg's mission and vision.
Diversity and openness
Equality, diversity and an open, collaborative academic culture are essential for HSO's success. Only an inclusive and diverse university that allows different points of view and whose members take different perspectives into account when solving problems will be successful in the long term. Alumni and current students are important ambassadors for the HSO.